The Ride

Fresno, CA, United States

Oct 01 at 08:39 AM

Hola, a The Ride le encantaría que Luis continuara con nosotros, pero desde hace unos meses está trabajando en un proyecto personal que lo tiene ocupado todo el tiempo. Por el momento no podemos ofrecer nuevas clases de Luis, lo sentimos.

Jul 20 at 04:50 AM

Nos alegra mucho que te gustara el ride de Tania Melendo, vendrán muchas más e incluso ya tenemos en mente crear un Ride Series con ella



Jul 15 at 02:13 AM

Te presentamos a Nuestra Nueva Instructora de Ciclismo Indoor en The Ride By Keiser: Tania Melendo

Estamos muy contentos de dar la bienvenida a Tania Melendo a nuestro equipo como nuestra nueva entrenadora. Tania trae una dilatada experiencia como entrenadora y una pasión por el ciclismo que es verdaderamente contagiosa. Sus clases son dinámicas, llenas de energía y diseñadas para desafiarte e inspirarte.

¡Las clases de Tania se impartirán en español y estarán disponibles muy pronto! Ya seas un rider con experienca o nuevo en el ciclismo indoor, el conocimiento de esta actividad y el espíritu motivador de Tania te ayudarán a alcanzar tus metas de fitness.

Mantente atento para más actualizaciones sobre sus rides y su disponibilidad. Prepárate para pedalear con Tania y llevar tu experiencia de ciclismo indoor al siguiente nivel en The Ride By Keiser.



Jul 15 at 02:07 AM

Introducing Our New Trainer at The Ride By Keiser: Tania Melendo

We are thrilled to welcome Tania Melendo to our team as our newest indoor cycling instructor. Tania brings a wealth of experience and a passion for cycling that is truly infectious. Her rides are dynamic, high-energy, and designed to challenge and inspire you.

Exciting News: Tania's rides will be conducted in Spanish and will be available soon! Whether you're a seasoned rider or new to indoor cycling, Tania's expert guidance and motivating spirit will help you reach your fitness goals.

Stay tuned for more updates on class schedules and availability. Get ready to ride with Tania and take your indoor cycling experience to the next level at The Ride By Keiser!


Commented on Longer rides

Mar 11 at 05:31 AM

Thanks Mallory for your feedback. Rides of 60 minutes will be available soon. I will transfer your suggestion of 90 minutes rides to our content department. 

Thanks again. :) #enjoytheride


Mar 11 at 05:26 AM

Hello Manon,

Thank you for reaching out. To enhance your base training level in Zone 2, it's crucial to spend a significant amount of time in that zone. This helps build a solid aerobic foundation. Additionally, incorporating higher-intensity efforts in Zones 3 and 4 can contribute to improving your aerobic capacity and overall fitness.We would suggest to do The Ride Series from Melissa Power and Hannah Lewin, also you could follow The Ride Series from Sergio Velasco, Training levels progressions. His approach involves a progression through 9 rides between levels 2 and 4, emphasizing a well-rounded training plan.

For anything else, do not hesitate to contact us. #enjoytheride


Mar 06 at 01:07 AM

Hello Suzanna, Thank you so much for your feedback. Really soon new rides from Amanda will be available. 

Thank you! :) #enjoytheride


Commented on Video filter

Jan 30 at 08:04 AM

Hello Tom,

Thank you for your input. When using the phone app, you can easily filter by languages by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located in the top left corner. This will take you to the filter page, where you can swipe to the left to access various filters. Continue swiping until you find the LANGUAGE filter option, which will provide you with the language-specific sorting you need.

Thank you! :) 



Jan 22 at 07:33 AM

Hello Lindsay,

Thanks for your message. If you are on our website, just select RIDES on the top menu.

If it happens you are on our app for phones then select BROWSE at the bottom of this screen. Once you select BROWSE you should be able to see again all the rides.

Let us know if you could manage to get back to the rides.

Thank you! :)


Jan 19 at 02:32 AM

Thanks James!! 🙏💪