Richard Johnson

Fort Walton Beach, FL, United States

Sep 12 at 08:19 AM

What a great workout! Low and slow I love these rides, I'm able to really crank up the intensity at the lower cadence. Thank You, keep the hits coming! Rich, Florida, USA

Oct 22 at 07:40 AM

SERGIO-O-O-O!!! What a great ride! I loved the work/rest balance. I felt like I could've done this ride for another hour. Please consider doing a similar class but longer. Thank You, from Florida, USA. Rich

The past few months I've been focusing on heart rate zone training. I've done this aerobic training class for 2 weeks now and the past few clases I've been getting within 5-10 beats of my MHR. Is this normal for aerobic training? I feel like I'm in the moderate zone when training. This last class due to the high rpm while out of the saddle was rough, I felt like I was in the anerobic zone alot compared to aerobic. Is that normal? I'm enjoying the classes. Thanks, Rich

Jul 27 at 03:19 PM

Great ride, love the power the lower cadence provides. i struggle out of the saddle when cadence is above 75rpms. I look forward to more like this!!! Thank You