
The Colony, TX, United States

Feb 19 at 09:13 AM

Old or new this is a great class. Keiser charges half what many others do for what I think are superior workouts. Maybe Keiser doesn’t offer new rides everyday or some other so called “bells and whistles” , but I don’t really need the instructor to acknowledge today is my birthday or that I’ve rode some inflated number of rides. I’m confident when I open the Keiser app I’m going to get a well constructed workout. If I finish the new rides that are currently offered I’ll return to a ride I took 3 months ago or take a ride in another language. Thanks Melissa and thanks Keiser, keep up the good work!

Feb 14 at 03:02 PM

Really good! Gracias, Maria!

Feb 06 at 12:46 PM

Such a good workout! Will try this one again after a day off. Thanks Amanda!

Feb 05 at 04:32 PM

I agree, liked the constant changes from seated to standing and different RPM as well. Thanks, Melissa!

Feb 03 at 04:10 PM

Welcome Greg! Glad Keiser added a ride like this, will definitely add this to my rotation! Thanks!

Feb 01 at 03:21 PM

Nicky brings the best tracks, great ride, a little bit of everything. Thanks!

Jan 31 at 03:58 PM

Great class! A new dimension I haven’t seen in other classes, longer in green and orange, adding endurance. Thanks Lindsay!

Jan 27 at 03:15 PM

Excellent, gracias!!

Jan 24 at 02:41 PM

Good one to gauge my improvement and fitness on. Definitely stronger than 3 months ago. Thanks!

Jan 23 at 12:20 PM

Did this one 5 months ago (comments below), still hard but I feel so much stronger. Thanks Keiser and Melissa!